Home » This is What Acne on Different Parts of Your Face Means

This is What Acne on Different Parts of Your Face Means

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Acne is a common skin condition that arises when the skin pores are clogged. This clogging manifests as the spots and pimples we see on the skin, which are often painful. The most common part of the skin prone to acne is the face. Facial acne is somewhat complicated because several different factors could cause it.

Healthline writer Dr Morgan Rabach, reports that acne on different parts of the face can have various causes. This method of attributing the breakout on the different parts of the face to external or internal causes is called Acne face mapping.

Acne face mapping is a more modern practice that stems from ancient Chinese beliefs but is built on scientific research (Healthline). Take a look at what causes acne on the different parts of your face.

1. The Hairline

Unless you wear your hair back all the time and never use hair products, you’re more likely to have acne breakouts once in a while on your hairline and temple areas. Anyone can have this type of acne, which is more common than we know.

Hairline or pomade acne is caused by a buildup of oil and dirt in the scalp and hairline. When you use products often, or even scarves, hair bonnets and anything that comes in contact with your hairline, the chances of dirt and oil buildup are much higher. So, now you know to keep that area clean as much as possible.

2. The T-Zone

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Your t-zone is your forehead from end to end, nose and chin area. Dr Melanie Palm, in an interview with Skincare.com explains that It’s common to experience breakouts in this area, especially for those with oily skin, because this part of the skin has more sebaceous glands, producing more oil. A study done by a student in the University of Mississippi has also linked the exacerbation of acne in this area to stress and fatigue. So, you should consider getting that beautiful sleep to reduce oil production.

 3. The Eyebrow area

Acne around the eyebrows or on the space just between them could indicate liver problems caused by toxins from poor dieting or poor mental health and alcohol use (per MedicalNews Today). But this is rarely the case, as the common cause is dirty makeup brushes and products that block the pores in that area. You should keep your makeup brushes clean to prevent breakouts on this part of the face. It is also noteworthy to reduce your alcohol intake and eat healthier foods.

4. The Cheeks

When you sleep, your face rests on your pillowcase or your sheets, and the part of the face in contact with the pillow is your cheek area. However, Pandia Health says hormonal changes and constant touching of the face can also cause breakouts. You can use this as a reminder to change or wash your sheets and pillowcases often and avoid unnecessarily touching your face.

 4. The Jawline

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Most women are already familiar with the monthly breakouts following menstruation. So, pimples on the jawline are primarily hormonal. Women’s Health explains that jawline spots can be attributed to high-stress levels, unstable skincare habits, and fluctuating hormonal levels.

Acne can appear anywhere on the face. However, certain lifestyle adjustments, including hygiene, eating habits and stress management, can tackle facial acne on various parts of the face.

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