Home » 7 exercises that can help you with period cramps

7 exercises that can help you with period cramps

by Admin

Numerous women are pestered with period cramps during their menstrual cycle and find it difficult to even think of working out in that state. However, movement through exercise is not only possible but very helpful to reduce the discomfort that comes with period cramps. It can also decrease any soreness or inflammation you may experience.

Studies show that exercise can be an optimal treatment for symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and period pain. Who says you have to go to the gym or even step outside for this exercise? If you are used to going out to work out, that is perfect. However, you can still go ahead to have full workouts right at the comfort of your home. You need to take things easier with yourself as you alleviate your period symptoms. Let’s dive right into the exercises you can practise even while on your period!

Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercises are absolutely great for reducing pain and help you to relax. Aerobic exercises, which include swimming, walking or cycling and stretching; are great for reducing pain and helping you to relax. You might be wondering if you can engage in swimming while on your period as both do not sound like they go together. However, swimming is one of the perfect Aerobic exercises for your body and can help a great deal to reduce your cramps. The stretching of your muscles during this exercise helps to release the tension in the and even improve your mood. For every stroke, your discomfort is lessened. You just have to swim at whatever intensity that suits you during your period. 

Walking is also another great option for aerobic exercises. It is gentle on the joints and stimulates the release of endorphins which help to reduce cramps. Cycling is another great option. It could be a gentle ride in the park or a high-intensity one, both tempos will greatly improve every menstrual pain severity or premenstrual symptoms. 

Pelvic stretches

Stretches are a great start to exercise and ensure body movement even during your period. Beyond the stretching of your muscles and lessening the menstrual pains, stretches offer huge mental benefits and can improve your productivity for the day as stress and anxiety are eliminated. 

First stretch you can engage in is the fish pose. To begin this, you have to lie on your back with your legs extended and your arms resting by the sides of your body. With your palms down, slide your hand underneath your buttocks. Press your arms and elbows firmly on the ground, lift your upper body and arch your back. Tilt your head back to rest the crown on the floor or a pillow. Hold this pose for about 7 seconds at intervals then release by slowly lowering your head and torso back while relaxing your arms by your side. This fish pose stretch helps with the front of the body, including the pelvic area which enhances blood flow.

The Forward fold is another stretch that is easy to do and is not of high-intensity in any way. The target of the forward fold is every tension on your lower back. It also stretches out every stiff neck and shoulder. Stretches such as fish poses, cobra poses and forward folds can greatly decrease any discomfort you may feel during your period. These exercises can strengthen your spine and improve your flexibility. It also promotes deep breathing which will give your body an overall calming effect. 

Indoor cardio

On the surface, this might not sound like a great idea to engage in while experiencing period cramps. However, the endorphins released during cardio make it absolutely worth it! They do not just help to reduce menstrual pain but also assist in weight loss while maintaining your cardiaca health. Some of these indoor cardio exercises include jogging on the spot, standing alternate toe touch and jumping jacks. 

For jogging on the spot, you start by jogging slowly on a spot and continue for 20-25 mins. Most people love jumping jacks as one of the best cardio exercises. It not only helps to reduce period pain but aids weight loss and improves the overall blood circulation of the body. You should engage in 15-20 reps or to the extent of your capacity. 

Performing these activities will supply more endorphins to your body which will reduce mood swings, irritability and other negative emotions while keeping you released and positive for the day. Your body will definitely thank you for the endorphins released through this cardio. 

Yoga poses

Yoga is the practice of breathing while maintaining various poses, or asanas. A number of the poses call for the head to be lowered below the level of the heart, known as inversions. For this reason, doing yoga right before or after your period is commonly frowned upon; in fact, many people think it’s best to skip it altogether. Some think there should be restrictions on certain positions.

Some women decide to carry on with their regular activities despite having their period. Others would rather rest and wait for their symptoms to go away. Yoga may help with the symptoms you are experiencing, regardless of how you feel about your period. Yoga poses are one of the most relieving exercises to engage in during your period. They help with soothing physical and mental stress while aiding weight loss and proper meditation. They also improve flexibility and help you manage period pain. Yoga stretches such as wind relieving pose, child’s pose and supine spinal twists are great yoga poses for you to engage in during your period.

Supine spinal twist which is effective for any muscle tension you may feel as a result of period cramps. The twist also helps release any stress on your lower back and abdomen. The child pose takes out any period pain gathered at your lower back and relaxes your abdominal muscles. The wind relieving pose gets rid of any bloating and expels gas from your abdomen which makes you feel lighter and more relaxed during your period. 

Bodyweight exercises

Bodyweight exercises help you with body movement and are also a great way to get in good shape. These range of exercises help to evenly distribute body weight around your muscles and increase your strength. Exercises such as squats distribute the weight on your leg muscles and lift it all when you come up. It makes your glutes stronger and massage your core muscles. 

The barbell squat is an excellent exercise to target your core, glutes, and quads. Barbell squats are a great complex workout to do during your period, if you’re feeling up to it. Instead of attempting to lift more weight than normal if you are not feeling enthusiastic, spend some time improving your form. Squats can always be performed with bodyweight or dumbbells to drastically reduce the intensity.

According to research, your period week may see higher improvements in strength and power, so if you’re feeling particularly powerful, now might be a good time to push the weight. Simply scale down on the number of repetitions and lengthen the rest period in between sets, while maintaining a balance between the weight you lift and the intensity.

With 10-15 reps in 1 set or as you repeat at your convenience, you will be keeping fit during your periods and losing weight alongside. Walking lunges are also a great way to stretch your body and get it moving during your period. Your lower body and your core muscles which are muscles that cause pain during periods are engaged. Muscle aches are greatly relieved with this exercise


Shadowboxing for the sake of fitness, is the act of punching the air or a boxing bag rather than a live opponent. This is an enjoyable method to practise boxing and get some great cardio indoors! The name refers to the fact that one looks to be fighting their own shadow when doing the move while standing close to a wall.

Try to learn the form at first so that you can complete this workout. For one minute, begin by striking into the air with perfect form. As you punch, alternate and bounce on your legs, paying attention to them. You can attempt this for three minutes straight once you’ve mastered the form. To enhance your technique and increase your caloric expenditure, try using more rhythmic footwork.

It is a strenuous aerobic workout that promotes weight loss. Shadowboxing is a mental and physical workout that helps you de-stress. Endorphins release will lift your spirits and provide a sense of well-being. This is also incredible for weight loss too! An extra benefit!


One of the most enjoyable methods to exercise and get moving is to dance — even if your mood isn’t perfect. Putting on some music and dancing for twenty to thirty minutes is a great method to start your heart rate up high. Those vigorous Zumba exercises are available online and are great to work on your muscles. 

No matter the level of your exercise skill, you can use these exercises — novices to experts alike. You may get your body moving and divert your attention from periods by dancing to these upbeat songs. 

After this workout, your body will produce endorphins, which will help you feel calmer and more relaxed throughout your periods. Putting in some fun music to dance to for 10-20 minutes is a great way to get some intense full body cardio whilst reducing any period cramps you may feel. 


Cardio kickboxing, also known as fitness kickboxing, is a fantastic calorie burner. You can work up a sweat at home by practising kickboxing by following the available online routines.  Fitness kickboxing includes knee strikes, roundhouse kicks, sidekicks, rear kicks, and front kicks, among other moves. Strengthening your inner core and working on your upper body are two of the best exercises. One foot in front of the other as you adopt a boxing stance.

The space between both feet should be roughly hip-width. Close to the chin, the hands should form a fist. Apply a forceful, straight blow with one hand, then another. Maintain your punching technique with both hands. Make sure your grasp is firm and your wrists are straight. For optimal results, perform 20-25 reps each day.

Kickboxing is a full-body workout with more focus on the lower body. A great deal of period pain relief can be achieved with these exercises by reducing the strain on the lower back and pelvic muscles. Your body will release endorphins and serotonin during this exercise session, enhancing happiness and reducing discomfort.


The discomfort of period days may have you relinquish the idea of working out or engaging in bodily movement. However, exercises are one of the best ways to reduce that discomforting pain and get back on your workout grind. Remember that you do not necessarily need to be at the gym to workout as most of these exercises can be done in the comfort of your home. Always care for your body and stay active!

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