Home » Practical tips to improve your mood during menstrual periods

Practical tips to improve your mood during menstrual periods

by Admin

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90% of most women experience some sort of mood swing and mental break during their periods. These swings therefore cause them to engage in practices that are either detrimental to their health or cause them more menstrual cramps. Such practices include ridiculous food cravings, idleness, overthinking, staying in a cold environment, etc. 

However, despite how dangerous these are to the woman’s health during periods, most women still indulge them. Though caring for yourself and your health may seem difficult, it helps improve your experience and overall during your menstrual cycles.

1. Prioritize Sleep Especially in the most Serene Environment 

A good sleep goes a long way in improving the mood during periods. A lot of women have the  Pre-menstrual Syndrome (PMS) experience, causing them to start their period a little hazy, moody, and mentally down. Finding good rest during this period can help boost your mood. A poor sleeping habit during menstrual periods has a high chance of increasing cortisol levels. Cortisol is a steroid hormone produced by the adrenal glands and increases the blood sugar level and affects period and ovulation. 

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Here are some ways to make sleep effective during menstrual periods: 

  • Cool environment – make sure to set your thermostat temperature between 60 and 67 degrees. A drop in the temperature helps to regulate the body temperature. This will help you get a good sleep as the temperature rises during periods due to hormones. 
  • Avoid noisy environments – Turn off all forms of distractions like cell phones, radios, televisions, loud and harsh music (cool music can serve) and every other form of noise. Dedicate at least two hours to getting a peaceful and relaxing sleep.
  • Sleep position matters – laying flat on the tummy and sometimes on the side have been said to be the best sleep positions when it has to do with reducing cramps because it takes pressure off the muscles in the abdomen.  

2. Eat Well: Avoid Foods that Incites Pain

During menstrual periods, most women, especially the ones with heavy flow, can sometimes experience deficiency in iron anemia, which can cause brain lag, fatigue, and mood swings. Practicing a healthy eating habit goes a long way in helping to reduce these menstrual symptoms. Physicians have advised that eating balanced diets that are low in added sugars, sodium, and caffeine could help to reduce mood swings during menstrual periods. Eat foods that are rich in:

  • Supplements – Consume supplements that are high in calcium, magnesium, iron, vitamins E, omega-3s, and vitamin D. They always helps to relieve from most period and Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS symptoms. They could also boostsyour mood.
  • Lean Proteins – Foods rich in lean protein help to balance blood sugar and keep it in check. These lean proteins include chicken breast, Greek yogurt, cottage Cheese, etc. 

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Stay Hydrated – Drinking the right amount of water during periods, fights fatigue and dehydration. It also helps boost brain activity, digestive regularity and hormone regulation.

Source: Pixabay

3. Keep your Body Busy by Exercising

Exercise may never be what you want to hear during periods, however, engaging the body and keeping it busy will boost your mood, improve blood circulation and reduce stress, fight cramps and headaches.

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Exercise releases endorphins that can help with menstrual periods and PMS symptoms. 

  • Light walking or other light cardio – Keep your cardiovascular or aerobic exercise at a lower intensity. Consider light cardio, walking, or light aerobic exercise. Aerobic or cardio workouts are exercises that can get the heart pumping. How about trying out cardio workouts like jogging, dancing, and walking at any time during your cycle? Aerobic activities such as dancing and walking can help reduce the severity of symptoms like bloating and cramps that occur during your period.
  • Yoga –  Yoga can be a perfect type of exercise for menstrual periods. It is an effective pain-relief strategy and means. Thinking about those areas of the body where pain is mostly severe, such as the belly, pelvis, hips, and lower back can be targeted for pain relief through some certain yoga positions. Also, the symptoms of PMS and menstruation can also be reduced by engaging in yoga exercise. 
  • Pilates – Pilates is the most trending type of workout these days that involves a low impact exercise that consists of controlled movements that builds balance, strength, mobility, flexibility, and the mood. It focuses on smaller and deeper muscles that support the structure and improves the health generally. It helps relax the body and keep it calm and healthy. Pilate moves target specific muscle groups, so you can narrow down your workout to what you need exactly. Pilate builds a core strength that can reduce the severe impact of cramps.

4. Avoid Cold Environment and Practices

Keeping the body warm reduces pain because it helps relax the muscles, increases blood flow and especially if the warmth is concentrated on the abdomen, it directly relaxes the uterus and eases cramps. Interviews with a number of female patients had them say that eating cold foods, cold water or staying too long in cold environments causes their blood to stop flowing which is known to be menstrual cease.  

  • Try warm drinks – warm or hot water/tea are the fastest way to reduce menstrual cramps and health during periods. It also increases blood flow throughout your body, relaxes and soothes the muscles. 
  • Avoid cold showers – it has been said that hot blood cannot clot inside the body. A warm bath can also help relax the muscles in the abdomen and help ease cramps. 
  • Heated pads –  heated pads provide direct heat to the muscles in the abdomen thereby causing more relief and ease during menstrual periods. 
  • Wear layered dresses – by simply paying attention to the weight of clothes we wear during periods and making sure they are warm and cozy will help keep the body constantly warm and relaxed. 

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