Home » Top 10 things a sunscreen will do for you

Top 10 things a sunscreen will do for you

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You may be wondering why sunscreen is important and what the rave on it is all about. The benefits of sunscreens are endless and it does not matter if you are basking in the sun during summer or in the snow during winter. The current uncertain wave of the climate makes the application of sunscreen a necessity more than a luxurious beauty habit. Although some women avoid sunscreen for so many reasons such as leaving white castes and intense sweating on sunny days. Luckily, regardless of these cons, sunscreens are important and have great benefits for your skin.

This article takes a deep dive into the sea of reasons why you need to apply sunscreen regularly. Let’s dive in!

Prevents Sunburn

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Sunburns cause the skin to become thin which makes it transparent and more susceptible to bruises. When you have a sunburn, your skin may experience forms of redness, itching, peeling, and swelling. The UVB rays from the sun cause your skin to damage through sunburns. These burns can turn to blisters which may escalate to skin cancer if not properly grated.

A recent dermatology study showed that recurrent sunburns put you at a high risk of lethal melanoma which has the power to disintegrate till it becomes deadly. Sunburns make the skin transparent, leave visible bruises and reduce the firmness of the skin. This may lead to peeling, swelling, redness and itching. 

Reduce Risks of Skin Cancer

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The benefits of sunscreen go beyond beauty purposes and have health benefits as well. Using sunscreen daily shields your skin from various types of skin damage which could lead to skin cancer. Skin cancer is majorly caused by excessive exposure to UV radiation from the sun. Applying quality sunscreens can help to protect your skin from this harmful exposure and reduce the risk of developing such cancer.

As you grow older you must make a stern decision to take care of your skin to avoid any complications that may arise in your health in the future. Applying sunscreen is one of the vital ways to ensure that no life-threatening skin damage comes your way. 

Reduces Premature Ageing

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Every woman loves young, vibrant and healthy looking skin. Incorporating a sunscreen into your skincare routine may take out any signs of ageing and keep your skin looking vibrant. You do not want to start thinking about how to take care of ageing signs on your skin when they are already glaring. This occurs where the UV radiation breaks down collagen and elastin fibres in the skin, which causes your skin to lose its elasticity and firmness. 

A survey by ResearchGate showed that women below the age of 55 who used sunscreen had 24% fewer chances of developing ageing signs than those who never applied sunscreen or only used it occasionally. 

Hence, sunscreen is one of the best prevention you will have and constant application does the trick. Your skin is shielded from ageing symptoms such as wrinkles, sun spots, hyperpigmentation or dry skin. 

Improves the Skin Texture

Without sunscreen, your skin will be exposed to sun damage which can cause uneven skin textures, dull, lifeless or rough skin. The skin is a living, breathing component of your body that can mend itself. As soon as you protect it from sun damage, it can produce new collagen and take on a thicker, smoother texture. 

A survey by certified dermatologists involving 32 participants evaluated over a 52-week period, found that daily sunscreen use resulted in an overall improved appearance of skin tone, texture, fine lines and wrinkles, and signs of photoaging. Even more convincing still, clinical evaluations reported these significant improvements in the skin’s appearance in an astounding 100 percent of participants following their daily use of facial broad-spectrum sunscreen.

Reduces hyperpigmentation

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Sun exposure can trigger harsh damage to the skin such as hyperpigmentation, leading to dark spots and uneven skin tone. Unprotected exposure to the sun rays can visibly tan your skin, causing blotchy skin and hyperpigmentation at times. 

The American Academy of Dermatology confirms that sunblock can protect, prevent, and help clear current dark spots. But it needs to be worn daily, and correctly, to be effective. With the right sunscreen and constant application of the same, you will avoid these skin problems and promote the health of your skin. Which brings us to the next point!

Promotes the health of your skin

Skin proteins such as collagen, keratin and elastin are protected where sunscreen is regularly applied. These proteins keep your skin smooth and healthy. The ingredients in sunscreen lotions help to enhance the activities of this protein. 

Skin conditions such as cutaneous lupus and rosacea, can worsen with even a little bit of unprotected sun exposure. Also, medications like doxycycline and hydrochlorothiazide can also increase the skin’s sensitivity to the sun and make it more likely to burn. Wearing sunscreen every day helps protect against these reactions. Essentially, sunscreen is beneficial for skin health. 

Prevents Melasma

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Melasma is a photosensitive condition that makes brown or grey patches appear on the face. According to a PubMed Central publication, photosensitive conditions such as melasma and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH) are aggravated by exposure to Ultraviolet (UV) rays and visible light making sunscreen an essential component of treatment. 

This is especially true in skin of color patients who are less likely to use photoprotection, even if diagnosed with these photos exacerbated conditions. Sunscreen for hyperpigmented skin is essential because it protects your skin from further sun damage. If you have any kind of hyperpigmentation, such as age spots, post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, or melasma, applying sunscreen will protect your skin when you are out in the sun.

Provides Moisture

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As sunscreens protect the skin from harmful sun rays, they also contain ingredients that keep the skin moisturised. Although moisturizers and sunscreens are different, but there are some similarities between the two. Presently, sunscreens can contain moisturizing agents and moisturizers can contain SPF. 

Some of the most common moisturizing ingredients added to sunscreens include ceramides, Hyaluronic Acid, and Squalane. These ingredients increase water content in the skin, support skin barrier function, and seal in moisture, respectively. Today’s sunscreens may also contain other beneficial active ingredients, such as antioxidants Niacinamide, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E which have moisturizing benefits and these antioxidants help avert skin damage

So, your sunscreen isn’t always just sunscreen. Some sunscreen formulas offer similar benefits to a moisturizer, and both products seek to support your overall skin health. But, getting a sunscreen does not mean you should neglect a moisturizer!  This way, your skin is not susceptible to dry skin or any other skin conditions while keeping the skin hydrated. 

Prevents Tanning

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There is nothing wrong with a little tan every once in a while. However, too much tanning can leave your skin exposed to harsh UV rays which exposes your skin to harmful conditions. Wearing a chemical- or physical-based sunscreen may help prevent the sun’s rays from causing photoaging and skin cancer. It may still be possible to get a slight tan, even if you do wear sunscreen. However, no amount of deliberate tanning is considered safe.

In the short term, your skin responds to sun exposure by becoming inflamed. As a result of sunburn, your skin adapts by tanning. The more prolonged your exposure, the more severe a burn may be. Wearing a broad-spectrum sunscreen with the right SPF can help minimize this type of damage. Also, ensure to reapply your sunscreen every 2-4 hours or right after swimming or sweating!

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Ensure that your sunscreen is waterproof. Also, apply it at least half an hour before you come into contact with the sun. Choosing a sunscreen that has the essential ingredients such as Titanium dioxide, Avobenzone, etc., will lower the risk of blotches on your face and penetrate your skin barriers, leaving it healthy and vibrant. 

If you are tempted to skip sunscreen because it leaves a white cast on your skin, consider using a tinted sunscreen, which can blend into your skin tone.

As you step out today, don’t forget to apply your sunscreen and put an extra tube in your bag for application!

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